Take the Leap. Trust the Unknown.
I quit my job without a plan.
I've been working full-time since I was 15 years old. At times, I've worked multiple jobs and seven days a week. Two weeks ago, I took a huge leap of faith and resigned from a job I absolutely love. It's hands down been one of the hardest decisions I've made.
So why would I quit a job I love? Because I'm listening to my heart and following my callings. In a world where life is so busy and demanding, and at times scary, I feel so many of us have lost the ability to truly listen to our callings and follow our hearts. We're too afraid to step into the unknown without a clear plan. We're too scared to choose uncertainty, even if it could be the greatest decision we ever make.
So, what's next for me? I don't have a clear plan, but I do know I need to be sharing more of my wisdom. For those who don't know me, I'm not just an artist and small business owner; I'm also a lived experience coach and, on a deeper level, an intuitive reader and healer. For the last 2.5 years, I've worked in the mental health space, which to a degree is regulated, and I haven't been able to practice my spirituality. The reason I've needed to resign from my job is so I can truly practice all of me, and the part of me which is my truest value.
Spirituality can sometimes have a bit of stereotyping, and there are so many variations of spirituality. But for me, I'm just your average bestie, channeling wisdom to help people understand themselves, get more curious, and step into who they truly are.
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same thing, and so if you've been putting off a decision you know you need to make, and you're in the battle between your head and your heart, uncertainty and trusting... this is your sign.
Follow your callings, trust in what's next, even if you can't fully see the path ahead.
One step at a time, sis... you've got this.